Singer's Habit
I asked a singer lately how often she takes water I was so shocked with the respond she gave . singers don't drink water because we are thirsty or drink water whenever we feel like. We drink water because that's the only language our vocal and body generally understand. So the number one bad habit is ; Not staying hydrated.
Staying hydrated is one of the most important things a singer can do. Keeping your vocal cords well-hydrated will help you avoid vocal injuries. This is especially important to keep in mind during the summer months, when air conditioning can create a very drying environment. The recommendation is 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, but this can vary depending on the person. As long as you’re sipping water throughout the day, you should be fine.
In case you don't know, Staying hydrated also benefit your overall health, helping you to avoid infections and colds. Even mild dehydration can affect your body’s efficiency, leading to ailments like headaches and fatigue.
Another deadly habit is Skipping your warm-ups.
Back to the athlete comparison: Similar to how the athlete needs to warm up the muscles in his or her body, warming up each limb to prevent injuries and help with overall performance, a singer should take vocal warmups into account before each and every practice session. Your voice teacher or vocal coach can show you various warm-ups to try, but a few popular strategies are lip trills, humming in an ascending and then descending pattern, and singing vowels in the same pattern. Your warm-up should leave your voice and throat relaxed, and your breathing under control.
Overusing the voice. This is common among school teachers so to say.
Imagine you’re at a loud concert or event or in church. The music is so loud, you have to yell to speak to a friend standing right next to you. You might not think twice about it at the time, but believe me such act of trying to speak over a loud sound or noise damages the vocal cord and screaming also leave the voice hoarse Do this often, and you’re putting yourself at risk for a vocal injury
Some people can be so funny, just because they missed a vocal exercise for a couple of days and they've started seeing the effect on the vocals with emergency performance They will now choose a day to cover up for their missed practice sessions. Please take a break to avoid overuse.
Lastly, if you have a performance coming up, try to rest your voice as much as possible before (and after!) the event.
Belting without proper training.
Belting is a style of singing that produces volume and power, can be extremely dangerous for singers who aren’t trained properly. Without this training, you may end up forcing some of the notes, which can lead to vocal cord damage and trauma. Healthy belting takes a lot of practice, and not all voices are made to do so – but luckily, there are other strategies you can use to generate power. Some singers take years to train their voices to belt naturally and properly. Find a singing teacher or vocal coach to help you out. It’s recommended that you master breath control, pitch and other mechanics of singing before attempting to learn how to belt.
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