Theory of Music


Notes according to Wikipedia is a sign used in musical notation to represent the relative duration and pitch of a sound (♪, ♫);

A note can be placed on either the line or space on a stave...  In music notation, a note value indicates the relative duration of a note,  A note consists of the note head, the stem and the flag...

1. Double whole note (Breve). 

2.  Whole Note (Semibreve): The duration of the whole note is 4 quarter notes. It is an open note with no stem and flag. 
Note that (2) semibreve makes a Breve. 

  2. Half Note (Minim): The duration of the half note is 2 quarter note two.  It is quite different from the whole note in such a way that it has a stem, although it is still open but without flag.  Note that (2) minim makes a semibreve & four (4) minim a Breve. 

3. Quarter Note (Crotchet): The quarter note is worth 1/2 of a half note.
 Note that two (2) crotchet makes a minim, four (4) crotchet makes a semibreve & eight (8) crotchet makes a Breve. 

4. Eight Note (Quaver): The eighth note is worth 1/2 of a Quarter note. This is the first note in the rhythm tree to have a flag. Eighth notes may be single or joined together with beams. 
It is common to see eighth notes joined into sets of 2 to make one beat. Eighth notes may also be grouped in 3s, 4s, 5s, or even 6s depending on the time signature. Remember, however, that no matter how many eighth notes are joined, each one is worth half a quarter note.
Examples of quaver beamed together are shown  below 

Note that two (2) Quaver makes a crotchet, four (4) Quaver makes a minim & eight (8) Quaver makes a semibreve. 

5. Sixteenth Note (Semiquaver): The Sixteenth note is worth 1/4 of a Quarter note. It changes from the eighth note by having an additional flag. It may be beamed together in the same way as the eighth note.
When a sixteenth notes is  beamed together, each note has a double flag.
Examples of  Sixteenth notes beamed together are shown below

Note that two (2) semiquaver makes a Quaver, four (4) semiquaver makes a crotchet, eight (8) semiquaver makes a minim, sixteen (16) semiquaver makes a semibreve & thirty two (32) semiquaver makes a breve.

6. Thirty second Note (Demisemiquaver):The thirty second note has 3 flags and may also be beamed together in the same way as the Eighth and Sixteenth notes.
Examples of thirty-second note (demisemiquaver) beamed together are shown below

Note that two (2) demisemiquaver makes a semiquaver, four (4) demisemiquaver makes a quaver, eight (8) demisemiquaver makes a crotchet, (16) demisemiquaver makes a minim, (32) demisemiquaver makes a semibreve & sixty four (64) demisemiquaver makes a breve

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